The main purpose of this exercise is to generate a risk model for landslide in Northwestern Oregon. The data used was prepared in previous exercises by projecting and clipping slope, land cover, precipitation, and hillshade. The objectives are stated below:
- Set up a script, import modules, set environments and check out extensions.
- Set up smart variables and create a list.
- Create a fishnet to be used as the unit of analysis in combination with the roadway buffer.
- Buffer the roads.
- Intersect the road buffer and the fishnet to create the unit of analysis feature class.
- Create a variable for the reclass values for slope and landcover.
- Apply the reclass values using the reclassify function.
- Multiply the rasters together to create the risk raster.
- Use zonal statistics as a table to tally the risk values for the unit of analysis.
- Join the results back to the unit of analysis.
- Create a map of the results
Variables were created in order to give data to work with. Field names were set as well in order to make things neat in the beginning. A processing boundary was set in order to only get data in a certain area. Geoprocessing tools buffer, intersect, and more were used.
The map and script for this exercise are pictured below:
# Name: Exercise 7
# Purpose: Generate a risk model for landslides in Oregon
# Author: Laura Hartley, hartlelj
# Date: 7/26/2016
#Objective One
#Ensure the program is working
print "Script initialized"
#import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import os
import shutil
import time
import datetime
from import*
from arcpy.ddd import*
#Allow the script to overwrite existing files
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX6\Ex6.gdb"
arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX5\Ex5\Ex5.gdb\OregonBoundary"
#Objective Two
#Create Variables
geodatabasePath = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX6\Ex6.gdb"
featureDatasetPath = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX6\Ex6.gdb\OregonFCs"
majorRoads = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX6\Ex6.gdb\OregonFCs\MajorRoads_NW"
landslidePts = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX6\Ex6.gdb\OregonFCs\LandslidePoints_NW"
precipData = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX6\Ex6.gdb\NW_Oregon_PrecipitationData_800m"
slopeData = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX5\Ex5\Ex5.gdb\NW_Oregon_Slope_30m"
landUseData = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX6\Ex6.gdb\NLCD2011_Oregon_NW"
boundaryName = "ProcessingBoundary"
fishnetName = "Oregon_NW_1kmFishnet"
roadsBufferName = "MajorRoads_NW_Buffered"
roadsBuffIntName = "MajorRoads_NW_Buffer_1kmGrid"
riskRasterName = "NW_Oregon_LandslideRisk"
pointName = os.path.basename(landslidePts).rstrip(os.path.splitext(landslidePts)[1])
processingBoundary = os.path.join(featureDatasetPath,boundaryName)
outputFishnet = os.path.join(featureDatasetPath,fishnetName)
roadBufferOutput = os.path.join(featureDatasetPath,roadsBufferName)
roadBuffGridOutput = os.path.join(featureDatasetPath,roadsBuffIntName)
slopeReclassRaster = slopeData + "_Reclass"
lulcReclassRaster = landUseData + "_Reclass"
landslideRiskRaster = os.path.join(geodatabasePath,riskRasterName)
landslideRiskStatistics = landslideRiskRaster + "_Stats"
#Set up field names
bufferedRoadsUniqueIDField = "FID_Oregon_NW_1kmFishnet"
#Objective Three
#Create processing boundary by extracting the footprint from the slope raster
print "Creating Processing boundary!" ,"%H:%M:%S")
#Create fishnet (Grid) with 1km spacing
#Variables for fishnet
desc = arcpy.Describe(processingBoundary)
gridSize = 1000.0
print "Creating Fishnet!" ,"%H:%M:%S")
arcpy.CreateFishnet_management(outputFishnet,str(desc.extent.lowerLeft),str(desc.extent.XMin)+" "+str(desc.extent.YMax+10),gridSize,gridSize,"0","0",str(desc.extent.upperRight),"NO_LABELS",processingBoundary,"POLYGON")
#Objective Four
#Process- Buffer
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(majorRoads,roadBufferOutput,"100 Meters","FULL","ROUND","ALL","","PLANAR")
#Objective Five
#Process- Intersect
print "Intersecting!" ,"%H:%M:%S")
#Objective Six
#This string specifies different value ranges and the values these ranges will be assigned.
#The range 0-1.484953 will be assigned a value of 1.
remapStringSlope = "0 1.484953 1;1.484954 6.184316 2;6.184317 10.883696 3;10.883697 15.583077 4;15.583078 29.681219 5;29.681220 34.380600 4;34.380601 39.079981 3;39.079982 43.779362 2;43.779363 90 1"
#This string specifies risk values to the different nlcd classes based on their values.
#Open water has a raster value '11' and is 1 on the risk scale. 'Developed, open space' has a raster values of '21' and a risk value of 4.
remapStringNLCD = "11 1;21 4;22 4;23 3;24 1;31 2;41 4;42 5;43 5;52 5;71 4;81 3;82 3;90 3;95 1"
#Objective Seven
print "Reclassifying slope into individual run type classes" ,"%H:%M:%S")
print "Reclassifying landuse into individual run type classes" ,"%H:%M:%S")
#Objective Eight
print "Multiplying the reclasses rasters to obtain a risk value"
#Objective Nine
#Process- Zonal statistics as table,bufferedRoadsUniqueIDField,landslideRiskRaster,landslideRiskStatistics,"DATA","MEDIAN")
#Objective Ten
#Process- Join Field
print "script is complete" ,"%H:%M:%S")
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