This exercise focused on using standard raster geoprocessing tools and basic raster analysis tools in a FOR IN loop by creating a list of rasters. The objectives are stated below,
- Set up a script, import modules, set environments and check out extensions.
- Set up smart variables.
- Create a list of rasters.
- Set up a FOR IN loop.
- Format the raster names in the list of rasters.
- Project a list of raster
- Clip a list of raster.
- Create a hillshade for a list of rasters.
- Calculate slope for a list of raster.
- Merge the resuts together.
Lists were created in order to list the final rasters when the script was done. Then the loops were set up in order to run the script multiple times on all of the rasters. The script can be seen below.
# Name: Exercise 5
# Purpose: To use standard raster geoprocessing preparation # tools, such as
# project, clip, as well as basic raster analysis tools # such as,
# hillshade and slope, in a FOR IN loop by creating a # list of rasters.
# Author: Laura Hartley, hartlelj
# Date: 7/20/2016
#Ensure the program is working
print "Script initialized"
#import system modules
import os
import shutil
import time
import datetime
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *
from arcpy.ddd import *
#Allow the script to overwrite existing files
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX5\Ex5\oregon"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
#The next line needs to be set to your EX5 geodatabase's Oregon Boundary FC
arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX5\Ex5\Ex5.gdb\OregonBoundary"
#create variables
print "Creating Variables" ,"%H:%M:%S")
#The workspace is the folder holding the rasters
workspace = r"C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX5\Ex5\oregon"
geodatabasePath = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX5\Ex5\Ex5.gdb"
#Set the boundary used to clip all of the raster to the Oregon State boundary
clipBoundary = "C:\Users\lhartley13\Documents\ArcGIS\EX5\Ex5\Ex5.gdb\OregonBoundary"
#This list will hold all of the clipped rasters for a future mosaicing operation
clipList = []
#This list is similar to the clip list, but is for hillshades
hsList = []
#this list is for slope rasters
slopeList = []
#The following names will be used for the three mosaic operations: Elevation, hillshade, and slope
mosaicedDEM = "NW_Oregon_Elevation_30m"
mosaicedHS = "NW_Oregon_Hillshade_30m"
mosaicedSlope = "NW_Oregon_Slope_30m"
print "Obtaining a list of rasters"
rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("", "IMG")
#This command selects just a single raster from the list named 'rasters'
for raster in rasters:
print "Formatting the raster's name"
#using os.path.basename, we obtain just the base name of the raster, without the file extension or source path
outName = os.path.basename(raster).rstrip
print "Unformatted name: " +outName
outName = str(outName)
#we use a string 'slice' to remove the first three characters from the filename
#essentially removing the img, and leaving only the coordinates
fileName = str(outName[3:])
print "Formatted name: " +fileName
#using the newly reformatted filename, we set all of the names for the new rasters we are to create
rasterProj = os.path.join(geodatabasePath,fileName) + "_Proj"
rasterClip = os.path.join(geodatabasePath,fileName) +"_Clip"
rasterHS = os.path.join(geodatabasePath,fileName) +"_HS"
rasterSlope = os.path.join(geodatabasePath,fileName) +"_Slope"
#print rasterProj, to make sure the name formatting is working
print rasterProj
#we already set the CS using the output CS env setting so we #don't need to worry about it here.
#Be sure to use 'BILLINEAR' or 'CUBIC' resampling when #projecting elevation and other continuous
#datasets, as they will otherwise have incorrect values.
#datasets, as they will otherwise have incorrect values.
print "Projecting" + fileName
arcpy.ProjectRaster_management(raster,rasterProj,"", "BILINEAR")
#the projected raster will be clipped to the state boundary, and 'NO_NAINTAIN_EXTENT" should be set so
#the alignment of the pixels isn't changed
print "Clipping" +fileName
#creating a hillshade from the clipped raster
print "Hillshading" +fileName
#create a slope raster from the clipped raster
print "Calculating slope of" + fileName
arcpy.Slope_3d(rasterClip, rasterSlope)
print "the loop has completed once"
#merging the tiles
print "Mosacing the clipped DEMs"
print "Mosacing the hillshaded DEMs"
print "Mosaicing the slope raster"
print "Script Complete" ,"%H:%M:%S")
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