Monday, December 14, 2015

GIS I: Lab 4- Final Project

For my fourth lab and final project I decided to find areas for new golf courses in Minnesota.  I chose this subject because I grew up in Minnesota and I've been golfing with my family for as long as I can remember.  I wanted to choose something that was interesting me and could actually be of some use to someone.  The criteria I chose for this project were that the area had to be within 25 miles of a major road and with 15 miles of a river.  I also wanted the area to be 20 miles away from other courses, but I also left in the areas within 20 miles from current courses just to get another perspective on the map.  My intended audience is for someone who would be interested in opening a new golf course with the same criteria I chose to focus on or someone with similar criteria.  Current golf courses may also want to use this data to see where their competition lies and for other uses I haven't considered as well. 
Data Sources
In order to answer my question, I needed a few different types of data.  I needed data on current golf courses within Minnesota.  It was also vital to know were rivers and major roads were within Minnesota because this is what my criteria was based upon.  A map of Minnesota was also quite important.  I gained all of this information from a database from ESRI.  This database was supplied through the school.  When it came to data concerns, I was worried about coordinate systems.  I had a bit of trouble understanding how to change coordinate systems so they all match up.  So, I was concerned about having to change coordinate systems if I needed to, but all of the coordinate systems were the same when I imported the data to my map, which was very nice to have to worry about anymore.  I was also worried about the river data.  There were only three rivers on my map when I knew there were many more rivers in the state.  I tried to find data with more information about rivers, but I couldn’t find anything more detailed so I chose to stick with the one I had found first.  I also wanted to add lakes to my map, but when I added the lake data there were only two that were pictured.  I found that puzzling because Minnesota has more than 10,000 lakes.  I figured if I did find data with more lakes it may be a bit overwhelming to show on the map.  Therefore, I just chose to leave out the lakes data and to just stick with rivers.
Beginning to create my map, I started out with data across the whole United States.  I just wanted to focus on Minnesota so I had to use select by attributes and location a number of times in order to get rid of everything outside of Minnesota.  Once I had all of my data narrowed down to Minnesota, I began to use tools in ArcMap in order to get me closer to an end product.  I first started focusing on golf courses.  I first created a buffer 10 miles away from other golf courses.  After seeing that buffer I realized I wanted my area even further from other courses and then changed it to 20 miles away from other courses. After that I moved onto major roads.  I created a buffer 25 miles around major roads.  I then dissolved in order to make it look better and then clipped so that data would stay within the area of Minnesota.  I then moved onto rivers and did almost exactly the same as I did with the major roads layer.  I created a buffer 5 miles around rivers, but then realized that was too little of an area and then created a buffer 15 miles around the rivers.  I didn’t dissolve because none of the buffers around the rivers were overlapping.  I then did a clip so the data was within the Minnesota state boundaries. After doing all of these tools I realized that it was time to intersect the data and finish the map.  I intersected the major roads final layer and the rivers final layer in order to get suitable areas for a new golf course without adding the 20 miles away from courses layer yet.  I still had to use the erase tool in order to get rid of the area that was within 20 miles of other courses.  After doing so I arranged all of the colors and the rest of the map in order to make it look more professional.  After looking over the data and results a few times I realized that I had done it all right and then finished up a couple loose ends regarding the design of the final product.

Figure 1: Data flow model of tools used to create my final project.
The result of this project ended up being quite satisfactory for me.  I had trouble coming up with ideas in the first place and figuring out all of the criteria, but in the end I think it turned out very well and I’m very pleased with the work that I did.  Seeing the end product now I almost wish I would have added one more criteria to it in order to add another aspect, but the finished map displayed below is something I'm very happy with.  The result shows that there isn't a large area with suitable areas for a new golf course within my criteria, but it's still enough land to create new golf courses upon.  I also liked that I kept in the area that was suitable and within 20 miles of other golf courses just because it adds another aspect to the map and makes it more interesting to look at the results.  It allows the audience to compare results.
Figure 2: Golf course suitability final product.

Overall, I really liked this project.  I really learned the tools within ArcMap better than I ever thought I would.  By doing a project like this, it just further interested me into learning more about GIS.  I almost wish I could do another project like this in the class because it was really enjoyable to practice the skills I learned and ultimately show them off in the result of a map I created just about all by myself.  If I were to repeat the project I think I would change my spatial question into something more intriguing than choosing an area for a new golf course.  It was interesting to me, but I know it's not as interesting to everyone else.  I would also like to focus on a bigger area that would give me more varied and informative results.  The only challenges I really faced were trying to figure out with tools to use and why.  I figured it out eventually and I learned from my mistakes, but these were really the only challenges I faced during this project.

Friday, December 4, 2015

GIS I: Lab 3- Vector Analysis with ArcGIS

Goals and Background

The goal of this lab was to use various geoprocessing tools for vector analysis to determine suitable habitat for bears in the study area of Marquette County, Michigan.

 Work Flow 

Starting off the lab, I had to make sure to create a lab 3 folder in my Q drive for the class in order to save all of the data I was going to create in this lab.  I then moved on to objective one.  I explored the data that was given in the lab 3 folder and made sure everything looked correct and was ready to be imported into ArcMap.  I first needed to import the excel file with all of the bear locations into ArcMap as an event theme.  There were screenshots that helped me figure out this part.  Once the coordinates from the excel file were mapped then I had to export them to my geodatabase as a feature class. 
In objective two I began by adding all of the feature classes within the bear_management_area feature dataset.  I changed the symbology for the landcover layer to a unique value map in order to see the different types of land cover in the "minor type" field.  I then opened the bear locations attribute table in order to see that there is just an ID number for each bear.  I wanted to find what land covers these bear ID's were in when GPS data was recorded.  I did a spatial join with bear locations being the source and land cover as the destination.  I was a 1:1 simple inside join that resulted in a new feature class called bear cover which showed which bears were in each land cover type.  I then summarized the Object ID with the minor type field in order to get the top three land covers in which most bears were located.  These were Mixed Forest Land, Forested Wetlands, and Evergreen Forest Land. 

Objective three then began to focus on the streams in the study area.  I created a buffer within 500 meters of the streams and then dissolved the internal boundaries so it looked more pleasing.  I then created a feature class out of this buffer because it is necessary in order to complete the rest of the lab.  I found that 72% of the bear locations were within 500 meters of a stream which makes this an important habitat characteristic.

In objective four I needed to find suitable areas of bear habitat for the study area based on my research so far.  My two criteria I needed to take into consideration were suitable land cover types (top three covers in which bears were found in) and areas within 500 meters of the streams in the study area.  I started my intersecting my new streams layer and the suitable land cover layer.  After I intersected these two layers I dissolved them in order to get rid of the internal boundaries.

For objective five I needed to find suitable bear habitat areas located within DNR management lands.  I intersected my layer from objective four and the DNR management layer.  I then dissolved to get rid of internal boundaries.

Objective six required me to create a new layer from the land cover layer.  I selected the Urban areas within land cover and made it it's own layer.  From there, I created a buffer 5 kilometers around these areas because bear habitats shouldn't be found within this distance of Urban areas.  After this buffer I ran the clip tool and then the erase tool in order to get suitable land within an Urban area.  This land would be suitable for bear habitats if only there wasn't an Urban area nearby.

Objective seven required me to create a map of the data I had created which is pictured below.


Figure 1: Suitable bear habitat final product.

The tan color in the study area are the suitable areas for bear habitats in Marquette County, Michigan.  The green portion in the map would be suitable areas, but they are within 5 kilometers of an urban area so they are not actually suitable areas.  The red points are bear locations recorded with GPS.  In the upper data frame with the state of Michigan we can see where Marquette County is.

Figure 2: Data flow model for lab 3.

>>> import arcpy
>>> arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Streams", "Streams_buf", "1 kilometer", "FULL", "ROUND", "ALL")
<Result 'H:\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\Streams_buf'>
>>> arcpy.Intersect_analysis(["Streams_buf", "suit_land"], "land_stream")
<Result 'H:\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\land_stream'>

We also needed to try out Python when we were done with our map.  I had a bit of trouble with it at first, but I figured it out eventually.  I would really like to gain more knowledge on how to use Python better because I find it really interesting.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

GIS I: Lab 2- Downloading GIS Data

Goals and Background

The goal of this lab was to learn how to download data from the U.S. Census Bureau and use that in ArcMap to create an original map.

Work Flow

The first objective was to visit the American Factfinder website that has information from the U.S. Census Bureau.  From there, I downloaded 2010 Census data for all the counties in Wisconsin.  After downloading that data I had to unzip it.  From there I needed to open the excel worksheets that were in the zip file and I needed to save them as excel workbooks rather than what they were saved as originally.  After doing so, I opened the files and looked at the data to make sure it all looked good.  After that I needed to download the shapefile for the Wisconsin census data.  I also did this through the American Factfinder website.  After downloading all of this data I viewed it through the attribute tables in ArcMap to make sure it all transferred properly.  I mapped it all on ArcMap and then continued to download another dataset for all the counties in Wisconsin.  I chose the data for the amount of housing units per county in Wisconsin.  After doing so I joined the housing unit information with the original data I had downloaded.  In order to make this join permanent I exported to the joined shapefile to a new file.  I then created a second map to represent my new data. 


Figure 1: Lab 2 final product.

The map above is my final product, with the total population of Wisconsin by county on the left and the amount of housing units in Wisconsin by county on the right.  The maps look quite similar because it's obvious to note that if there is a higher population then there will be more housing units and vice versa.  Looking at it now I wish I had done a different dataset for the second map so that it would look more different than the first, but I am very satisfied with the result and I came across fewer problems than I did with the first lab.  This lab also asked us to upload our map where we chose the data to ArcGIS online.  The link for my map is below:


Friday, October 2, 2015

GIS I: Lab 1- Base Data

Goals and Background

The background behind Lab 1 is as follows, I was to pretend that I am an intern working at Clear Vision Eau Claire.  Clear Vision Eau Claire were some of the developers behind the "Confluence Project".  From there I am to try and achieve the goal of becoming familiar with spatial data sets used for the Confluence Project and develop base maps based on the data. 


 The first thing I did in order to start this lab was to read all of the definitions that accompanied the instructions.  They all helped along the way with vocabulary I didn't know.  After that, I proceeded to start the portion of the lab that involved using ArcMap.  The certain geodatabase that was found in the lab 1 folder was vital to the become familiar with in order to grasp the concepts in the lab.  The geodatabase had information about the Eau Claire confluence project.  After looking at the data in ArcCatalog and seeing all that it has to offer and what was missing I moved onto the next portion of the lab.  Next, I had to digitize the proposed site for the Confluence Project.  Through using the editing tool and also using the MAG book I finally digitized the area and moved on.  Next was learning about the Public Land Survey System.  I added a layer to the base map that represented the townships of the PLSS.  I made the layer hollow with a bright outline so it was easier to see.  Next was to create a brief legal description of the proposed site.  The information for this was found online through the Eau Claire mapping services.  After all of this I needed to build the final map that is pictured below.  I created a data frame for all six maps (Civil Divisions, Census Boundaries, PLSS Features, EC City Parcel Data, Zoning, and Voting Districts).  This was the toughest part of the lab for me.  I had some trouble figuring out how to create the maps, but eventually was successful in the end.

Figure 1: Lab 1 final product.
The result of the lab are the maps pictured above.  As I stated above, I had some trouble when it comes to these maps, but I eventually worked out the problems in time and made the maps that looked pleasing to me.
